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GMAT prep course

July 4, 2016

The Graduate Management Admission Test is one of the criteria used in testing the eligibility of students for Master in Business Administration. Here at OFEKPREP, we help you prepare for this test by helping you understand what it entails and giving you advice on the best strategies to pass the exam and offering customized preparations.

What is a GMAT Test?
The GMAT exam is written in English and is used in testing various capabilities of MBA applicants including their analytical, verbal, reading and writing skills. It is used by institutions to test the learning abilities of an applicant and judge how likely they are to be successful in MBA.

What Courses Should You Take?
In preparation for the GMAT test, it is advisable that you take a GMAT prep course. Quantitative courses, verbal courses, analytical courses and reading courses will equip you for the oncoming GMAT exam. You can opt to prepare on your own or you could pay for online tutoring classes or take the GMAT prep course online. Whichever method suits you best.

What type of Questions are Expected in a GMAT Exam?
The GMAT exam has four segments. There is the analytical writing assessment segment, which tests you on your essay writing capabilities and logic. The second segment is the integrated reasoning where you are required to answer to 12 questions by analyzing verbal and quantitative information. The third segment involves answering 37 multiple choice quantitative questions. Finally, there is the verbal segment where you will be required to answer a total of 41 multiple choice questions.

Our Preparation process
Our preparation process undertakes three steps. We first diagnose your capabilities along with your problem areas. We them customize a plan that is in tandem to your need. And, lastly we implement the plan, preparing you in the best way we can.


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